Exploring Einkorn, the “first wheat”

Exploring Einkorn, the “first wheat”

Our nutritional and culinary landscape is more dynamic than ever. With the United States being influenced by various cultures across the globe, we have witnessed an influx of new recipes and knowledge about traditional and ancient foods making their way into our country.

In this evolving time, ancient grains have made a significant comeback, and Einkorn wheat stands out as a true gem. Botanically known as Triticum monococcum, Einkorn is one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world, with its domestication dating back to 7500 BC in the southeastern parts of Turkey.

Wondering what makes Einkorn wheat unique? Einkorn has 14 chromosomes compared to the 42 in modern wheat, lacking the D chromosome connected with wheat intolerance. This means Einkorn has a weak gluten structure, making it easier to digest.

We sell Einkorn cookies at farmers' markets (besides offering them on our website), providing us with a chance to receive feedback from customers firsthand. Many a times customers share how their gut can digest wheat when they travel to Europe but not in the US. These customers often try our Einkorn cookies and become regular buyers!

However, it's not just about gluten sensitivity. Einkorn is one of the most delicious wheats you'll ever encounter. Its earthy, nutty flavor makes it unique enough for it to have many culinary applications. Let's explore a few uses of Einkorn wheat:

Einkorn Flour in Baking

Einkorn flour has gained popularity among home bakers for its unique properties. Its mild, nutty flavor enhances the taste of baked goods, making it a great choice for bread, muffins, pancakes, and cookies. Use it as a one-to-one substitute for all-purpose flour in your recipes for a nourishing twist.

Pro tip: For healthier baked goods, replace refined sugar with natural sweeteners like maple syrup, coconut sugar, and top them off with raw honey. Learn more about it on our blog "Sweetening Life Naturally."

einkorn wheat bread

Einkorn Pasta

Elevate your pasta dishes with Einkorn pasta. The slightly chewy texture and distinct flavor of Einkorn wheat make it a delightful choice for pasta lovers. Pair it with your favorite sauces and ingredients for a wholesome and satisfying meal.

Einkorn Salad Bowls

Einkorn's hearty nature makes it an excellent addition to salads. Cooked Einkorn berries can be tossed with fresh seasonal vegetables, herbs, and a simple dressing with olive oil and lemon juice for a nutritious and filling salad. Add a side of protein like scrambled tofu to create a wholesome and balanced meal.

To cook Einkorn berries, take 1 cup of the whole grain, 2 cups of water, a dash of salt in a saucepan, bring it to a boil, turn down the flame to medium-slow, let it simmer for about 30 minutes until soft, and then drain out the excess liquid.

Pro tip: Citrus flavors go very well with Einkorn, so add a dash of lemon oil or lemon zest, a pomegranate balsamic vinegar in there!

Einkorn Porridge or Breakfast Bowls

If you like to start your day with something warm and grounding, give Einkorn porridge a go. Cooked Einkorn grains can be combined with milk or plant-based alternatives to make a porridge. Feel free to add some chopped walnuts and dates or figs for sweetness and flavor.

Let's enjoy the goodness of locally sourced Einkorn

Often called the 'mother of all wheat' due to its ancient origin, Einkorn is now grown locally in the US in Pennsylvania, Idaho, and Wisconsin. You don't need to travel to Europe for good wheat anymore. While sourcing good Einkorn is a bit challenging, we were lucky enough to have found River Valley Community Grains, an NJ-based mill working with Wholesome Acres in Watsontown, PA. Together, they bring us Einkorn that is grown and harvested with organic methods and stone-milled to keep the nutrition and flavor intact.


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