Getting to your Dreams with Chamomile

Getting to your Dreams with Chamomile

I am an entrepreneur, which means dreaming big is a part of my job. To achieve these dreams, I need a good night's sleep on a regular basis. You know why? Because a well-rested mind can think more clearly, and a well-rested body can act more energetically. My choice to help with a restful night’s sleep is Chamomile Tea.

As a (relatively) smart teenager, I decided once that I didn’t need to study for a boring history test. And then came the night before the test. I stayed up all night, I was on top of the syllabus and felt confident I’d do well. My myth got busted when I could not finish the test just because the lack of sleep triggered a brain fog. For the last thirty minutes of the test I just had to rest my head down instead of writing the test. 

That experience taught me a lesson for life – a good night's sleep is important to stay focused and energetic. 

Many of us today struggle with falling asleep or remaining asleep through the night. Many factors could be associated with it, for instance, stress, food habits, age, and many others. While some factors are beyond our control, others aren’t. Also, what is important is to figure out a healthy bedtime routine that promotes good sleep. This could range from a foot massage, aromatherapy, practicing gratitude and bedtime tea. 

One herbal remedy that has gained popularity for its sleep-inducing properties is Chamomile. Chamomile has been used for centuries to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Let’s get to know this herb better.

The botanical name for Chamomile is Matricaria Chamomilla. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and looks like a daisy. Chamomile has a long history of medicinal use, dating back to ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans. Let’s see how this herb can help with common factors that can disrupt sleep.

How does chamomile help?


One of the primary reasons Chamomile is effective for promoting sleep is its ability to reduce anxiety and stress. Apigenin, the compound mentioned earlier, binds to specific receptors in the brain called GABA receptors. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a neurotransmitter that inhibits brain activity, promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety. By binding to GABA receptors, Apigenin helps calm the nervous system, making it easier to fall asleep.

Muscle tension

Chamomile also possesses muscle relaxant properties, which can aid in achieving a state of physical relaxation. This is particularly helpful for individuals who experience muscle tension or restlessness that interferes with their ability to sleep. A relaxed body is more conducive to falling and staying asleep.


Digestive issues can often disrupt sleep, leading to discomfort and restlessness during the night. Chamomile has been used for centuries to alleviate digestive problems, such as indigestion and gas, which can contribute to sleep disturbances. By soothing the digestive tract, Chamomile can indirectly improve sleep quality.

What does Ayurveda say about Chamomile?

Ayurveda, a 5000+ years old holistic science, considers Chamomile to possess cooling and grounding effects on the body and mind. The Sanskrit name for Chamomile is “Ba-boo-na” and has bitter, pungent and astringent tastes. Chamomile is said to be beneficial for plasma, blood, muscle and nerves. Chamomile herbal tea is considered to support the digestive, respiratory and nervous system. 

How can you incorporate Chamomile into your daily life?

Chamomile can be incorporated into an everyday routine in a variety of ways. Pick the one you find the easiest to follow consistently.

Foot massage

Mix a few drops of Chamomile essential oil into a carrier oil for a foot massage. Rub each foot for 3-5 minutes with full awareness. No screen time is important to start winding down. Pro tip: use a pair of cotton socks if you don’t want to spoil your bed sheets. 


Add some Chamomile essential oil to a diffuser in your bedroom to create a calming atmosphere before bedtime. The key is to find a pure Chamomile essential oil. 

Herbal Chamomile tea

Another easy way to use Chamomile is to have a cup of Chamomile tea between dinner and sleep time. Why not make the best of the digestive and sleep-supportive properties of Chamomile in the same shot! Bonus points if you can share a pot of tea with your family once in a way. The sense of security that a calming ritual with your loved ones brings goes a long way for emotional health. 

Chamomile Herbs

Is Chamomile tea too boring for you?

Despite its myriad benefits, Chamomile tea can sometimes become boring for your taste buds. To get your tea game up, you can consider blending your Chamomile with other calming nervine herbs like lavender, lemon balm mint, rose or digestive herbs like ginger and cinnamon.

Who knew these tiny pale-looking Chamomile flowers can bring so much comfort into your everyday lives. Who doesn’t want to wake up fresh and take on the world? Whether it be a student, or a busy parent, or a passionate member of the workforce, we all want to give our best. A good night sleep brings out the best in us. So, off to sleep tonight with a cuppa of Chamomile tea, because fatigue should not come in the way of you achieving your dreams! 

Restful Woman

Disclaimer: Please note the above is not medical advice. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the above statements. While Chamomile is generally considered safe for most people when used in moderation, it is essential to be aware of potential allergies or interactions with other medications. Additionally, pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should consult their healthcare providers before using Chamomile.

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